EBAN’s Strategic Meeting held in Cambridge
The European Network of Business Angels – EBAN, whose member is CRANE, held the first strategic meeting of the new leadership at the British Cambridge. Two-day events were dominated by the theme of future investment and the development direction of EBAN, which is the world’s largest organization of this kind. EBAN President Peter Cowley, who
Održan strateški sastanak EBAN-a u Cambridgeu
Europska mreža poslovnih anđela – EBAN, čiji je član i CRANE, održala je u britanskome Cambridgeu prvi strateški sastanak otkad je izabrano novo vodstvo. Dvodnevnim događanjima dominirale su teme budućnosti ulaganja te smjer razvoja EBAN-a, koji je najveća svjetska organizacija ove vrste. Predsjednik EBAN-a Peter Cowley koji je ujedno i predsjednik organizacije Cambridge Angels istaknuo
CRANE President Davorin Štetner Received World Bank Recognition!
President of Croatian Business Angels Network (CRANE), Davorin Štetner, at the closing conference of the project “Establishing the Foundation for a Modern Business Startup System in Croatia”, hosted today at the Westin Hotel, received the World Bank’s recognition for the digitalization of the company’s founding process in Croatia, modeled on many countries where this process
Predsjednik CRANE-a Davorin Štetner primio priznanje Svjetske banke!
Predsjednik Hrvatske mreže poslovnih anđela – CRANE, Davorin Štetner, na završnoj konferenciji projekta “Postavljanje temelja za moderni sustav pokretanja poslovanja u Hrvatskoj”, koja se održala jučer u hotelu Westin, primio je priznanje Svjetske banke za doprinos u projektu digitalizacije procesa osnivanja tvrtki u Hrvatskoj. Naime, po uzoru na brojne zemlje u kojima je taj proces moguć,
How to start and run a company outside of Croatia: Really easy!
More than a hundred entrepreneurs attended a panel discussion titled “How to run and run a company outside Croatia?” Organized by the eCommerce Croatia association at Jockey Club on the Hippodrome in Zagreb. Participants of the panel were CRANE President Davorin Štetner (experience from the USA), CRANE Board Member Hrvoje Prpić (experience from the UK),
Kako pokrenuti i voditi tvrtku izvan Hrvatske: Lako!
U prostorima Jockey kluba na zagrebačkom Hipodromu u petak navečer okupilo se više od stotinu poduzetnika koji su prisustvovali panel raspravi pod nazivom “Kako pokrenuti i voditi tvrtku izvan Hrvatske?”, u organizaciji udruge eCommerce Hrvatska. Sudionici panela bili su predsjednik CRANE-a Davorin Štetner (iskustvo iz SAD-a), član Upravnog odbora CRANE-a Hrvoje Prpić (iskustvo iz UK-a),
CRANE President Davorin Štetner in the official visit to the Webb Business Week in Finland
At the invitation of Jyväskylä, the seventh largest city in Finland, EBAN delegation visited the Business Rally week. Namely, the city of Jyväskylä is the World Rally Championship (WRC) organizer and has merged the sports and business by organizing 4th Week of Business Rally. EBAN delegation, members of EBAN Board of Directors Brigitte Baumann, Davorin
Predsjednik CRANE-a Davorin Štetner u službenoj posjeti Business Rally Weeku u Finskoj
Na poziv Jyväskylä-e, sedmog po veličini finskog grada – delegacija EBAN-a posjetila je Business Rally Week. Naime, grad Jyväskylä je organizator Svjetskog prvenstva u reliju (WRC) te su spojili sport i biznis organiziravši 4. po redu Business Rally Week. Delegaciju EBAN-a koju su činili članovi Upravnog odbora EBAN-a Brigitte Baumann, Davorin Štetner, Audra Shallal, Priit
CRANE President Davorin Štetner was elected to the Board of Governors of the World’s Largest Business Angels Organization – EBAN
Davorin Štetner, President of the Croatian Business Angels Network – CRANE at the EBAN’s General Assembly in Sofia, was elected as a member of the Management Board of this organization. EBAN (European Business Angels Network) is the world’s largest community of business angels, investors, accelerators, incubators, and other startup ecosystems. Established in 1999, and headquartered
Predsjednik CRANE-a Davorin Štetner izabran u Upravni odbor najjače svjetske organizacije poslovnih anđela – EBAN!
Davorin Štetner, predsjednik Hrvatske mreže poslovnih anđela – CRANE na jutrošnjoj generalnoj skupštini EBAN-a, koja se održala u Sofiji, izabran je za člana Upravnog odbora ove organizacije. EBAN (European Business Angels Network) predstavlja najveću svjetsku zajednicu poslovnih anđela, investitora, akceleratora, inkubatora i ostalih dionika startup ekosistema. Osnovan je 1999. godine, a sjedište je u Briselu. Čine
With the help of CRANE, from student idea to 1.6 million kuna revenue in 2017!
Entrio is the largest Croatian Ticketing Platform with over 940 events a year and the only regional self-service system for event organization, ticket distribution and visitor registration. It finished 2017 with excellent results, and that was the right moment for new investments to expand and develop. The revenue growth of 100 percent compared to the