Paulo Andrez, President emeritus of EBAN coming to Zagreb

On Friday, September 18 2015, one the most prominent European business angels is coming to Zagreb. He is Paul Andrez, President emeritus of the European Business Angels Network (EBAN), member of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Business Angels Federation and advisor to many European governments on the matters of early-stages investments.

In 2007, Paulo Andrez functioned as the president of the business angels world forum, on whose decision the World Business Angel Association (WBAA) was founded. In 2010 he participated in introducing tax relief for business angels in Portugal, and used his own successful model in advising many European governments.

From 2012 – 2014 he was the president of the European Business Angels Network (EBAN). In May of 2014 he was awarded the title of President emeritus of EBAN.

As a business angel he invested in over 12 companies. He realized one of the most successful investments in 2010 when he invested in a start-up that dealt with production of industrial resin. In its first year of business, the company generated revenue of 25 million euros. For its success, the European Business Angels Networks awarded it, in 2012, the “Best European Angel Investment” award.

As a serial entrepreneur, he created several companies in the IT, training, production and real estate areas. In 2000 he participated in the initial public offering of the shares of Novabase, the biggest national IT company in Portugal with over 2000 employees working in over 30 countries across the world.

The reason for his arrival is attending CRANEbrunch which will be held this time in the form of a session with the members of CRANE and its partner institutions. The discussion at the session will be about the improvement of business environment for entrepreneurs and investors in Croatia, and the guests from EBAN, led by Paulo Andrez, will help greatly with their experience and successful models which are applied in other European countries.

Mr Gordan Maras, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Crafts, members of the Board of Directors of HAMAG-BICRO and the leadership of VERN also confirmed their arrival to the CRANEbrunch.