Predsjednik CRANE-a Davorin Štetner gostuje na prestižnom Wilton Parku!

Predsjednik Hrvatske mreže poslovnih anđela (CRANE) Davorin Štetner krajem siječnja sudjelovat će na forumu koji organizira Wilton Park – jedna od najprestižnijih institucija ove vrste u svijetu. Wilton Park izvršna je agencija britanske vlade, to jest, Ureda za internacionalne odnose i Commonwealth. Okuplja svjetske lidere iz područja politike, biznisa, akademije, diplomacije civilnog društva i medija.

Wilton Park ustanovljen je inspiriran inicijativom Winstona Churchilla 1946. godine. U svojoj dugoj povijesti Wilton Park ugostio je impresivnu listu svjetskih lidera poput predsjednika i premijera Francuske, Turske, Australije, Španjolske, Velike Britanije, uglednika poput sir Boba Geldofa, Angeline Jolie i ostalih. Sedamdeset godina od osnutka, Wilton Park danas je jedno od vodećih mjesta za diskusiju i kreiranje politika.

”Izuzetna čast je govoriti na mjestu čiji je idejni začetnik Winston Churchill i gdje su govorili svjetski državnici, predsjednici i premijeri država! Wilton Park je uz Davos možda i najjača svjetska institucija ovog tipa”, rekao je Davorin Štetner, predsjednik CRANE-a.

Forum pod nazivom Budućnost bilateralnih odnosa Velike Britanije u Europi održat će se u dvorcu Wiston Park iz 16. stoljeća na jugu Velike Britanije, od 31. siječnja do 2. veljače ove godine.

Više o forumu možete pročitati na:


Davorin Štetner, the president of CRANE paying a visit to the prestigious Wilton Park!

At the end of January, Davorin Štetner, the President of the Croatian Business Angels Network (CRANE) will participate in a forum organized by Wilton Park – one of the most prestigious institutions of its kind in the world. Wilton Park is an executive agency of the British government, i.e. of the Office for International Relations and the Commonwealth which gathers world leading representatives from politics, business, academia, civil society diplomats and the media.

Establishment of Wilton Park was inspired by the Winston Churchill’s initiative in 1946. In its long history, Wilton Park has hosted an impressive list of world leaders including the president and prime minister of France, Turkey, Australia, Spain, the UK, and renowned personas such as Sir Bob Geldof, Angelina Jolie and many others. Today, seventy years since it has been founded, Wilton Park represents one of the main global forums for discussion and policy-making.

“It is a tremendous honor to speak at the place whose conceptual originator is Winston Churchill and where the world statesmen, presidents and prime ministers held their speeches! Wilton Park, along with Davos, might be the strongest global institution of this type, „said Davorin Štetner, the President of CRANE.

The upcoming forum named The future of the UK’s bilateral relations in Europe will be held from 31st January to 2nd February of this year at the agencies’ Wiston House, a historic building from the 16th century situated in the south of UK.

You can read more about the forum at: