- Members will operate in a professional way and not engage in activities that could hurt the reputation of business angels’ market
- Members will promote and act in accordance with ethical principles and at all times operate fairly and honestly, with the required attention
- Members are required to avoid any and all conflicts of interest in their business
- Members are required to act in such a way that all the participants of the investment process have enough information and understanding about the process at all times
- Members are required to have clearly arranged terms of participation before they take part in a certain business venture
- Unless otherwise specified, members are required to act in such a way that all the information acquired about a certain business venture, due to their CRANE membership, stay confidential and available only to members of CRANE
- Members commit not to use the information acquired about the business venture, due to their CRANE membership, for their own personal interest, and above all not to plagiarise the business venture in its entirety or in its main part
- CRANE membership is confidential unless a certain member expressly agrees to have their membership publicly known
- Members are required to treat other members with respect, fairly and honestly
- With the goal of avoiding conflicts, members are required, as soon as they become aware of the possibility, to publicly express their intention of participating in a certain business venture to other members of CRANE
- In case several members express interest in participating in a certain business venture, and all of them found out about it due to their CRANE membership, members are required to find a reasonable solution avoiding all possible conflicts, and commit not to begin participating in the business project without the approval of the other member who also expressed interest in participating in the same business venture
- Members are required to cooperate with other members of CRANE and encourage the exchange of experience, knowledge and information
- Members will have the right and duty, if reasonably possible, to feature the CRANE logo on their web page, business papers and other written business correspondence
- Members are required to respect the basic documents of CRANE and the decisions of CRANE’s responsible bodies, participate in the operations and act in the way that helps CRANE achieve its goals
- Members are required to make sure that the contacts they registered to CRANE are accurate
- Members agree that CRANE can collect and analyse their personal information for internal use. To publish any personal information of a certain member, the member has to give explicit consent.