Sign up to pitch your startup at the first Croatian HoReCa MeetUp

Croatian Business Angels Network (CRANE) and Metro Cash & Carry are organizing the first Croatian HoReCa MeetUp which will bring together the most distinguished Croatian restaurant, hotel and other catering establishment owners with startups that will present their innovative solutions within the HoReCa segment (hotel / restaurant / café) . The MeetUp will be held on February 17th in HUB385, Petračićeva street 4, starting at 9.30 am.

For all interested participants the MeetUp will present the keynote speech from Alexander Zumdieck, Managing Director of Techstars METRO Accelerator –  the world’s first accelerator oriented towards the development of technological solutions for caterers. In his lecture, Alexander will provide an insight into the latest trends in the industry and touch upon the success stories from the Metro Techstars accelerator.

After the lecture, the startups will have the opportunity to pitch their own products/services and participate in one-on-one meetings with the restaurant, hotel and other catering establishments’ owners.

The official agenda and event schedule:

09:30 Registration and welcoming coffee
10:00 Opening remarks – Marc Carena, Metro Cash & Carry Croatia, CEO
10:10 Opening remarks – Davorin Štetner, Croatian Business Angels Network (CRANE), President
10:20 Lecture – Alexander Zumdieck, Techstars Metro Accelerator, Managing Director
11:00 Coffee break
11:20 Presentation of startups
11:40 ‘Speed ​​dating’  caterers and startups
00:00 Socializing and lunch

Startups that want to present their innovative solutions can send the application until February 13th to

The application must include a presentation and a short description of the product / service.

In case of a large number of applications, the selections will be made depending on the presentation. The teams whose solutions work towards improving the catering industry will get a chance for a pitch. Regardless of whether the team will be selected for the pitch or not, all of the applicants whose solutions are targeted for the HoReCa segment will get a chance to present their work and participate in “speed dating” between catering business owners and startups.

All others who are interested in participating in the event who are not catering business owners or startups within the HoReCa segment, can apply through Entrio system (link). Due to the limited number of places, we ask all the interested participants to send their application as soon as possible.