Startup Wednesday: A/B testing and pivoting (Marko Linke, Repsly)

Marko Linke, cofounder of Repsly company, will hold a lecture at Startup Wednesday, organized by Croatian business angels network (CRANE), and the Croatian Chamber of Economy. The topic of the lecture will be “A/B testing and pivoting”, and the lecture will be held on 27th of April, at 5 PM, in the council hall of the Croatian Chamber of Economy, at Roosevelts’ Square 2, in Zagreb.

Marko Linke is the cofounder of Repsly company, famous for its production of the mobile CRM for managing sales on the field. The company was founded in Croatia under the name of Salespod, and is currently doing business with more than 500 clients in 40 countries, and some of the clients using Repsly’s service for improvement of field sales activities are Nike, Golf, L’Oreal, KIA Motors, Keune, Philips and Franck, as well as many others. The team which created the application is working 24/7 to keep up with the demands of the customers it represents, from across the globe. Significant resellers are located on the relation Boston – Zagreb – Osijek – Johannesburg – Moscow, while in their Zagreb office 15 people are employed.

Repsly had pivoted and rebranded itself several times, by now, but by all accounts, successfully each time, since the last few years have seen growth and the closing of new rounds of investments, of which the last one netted 1.25 million from funds in Boston, Los Angeles, and Germany. The first name that they started with was, which was then changed to Salespod, and in the end they became Repsly. During their operation the founders of Repsly realized that their clients are not entirely devoted to sales, but also the distribution and improvement of sales of wide circulation, as well as medical equipment and market research, mystery shopping and other uses. To bring their brand into line with the increased scope of their work, and to make it carry a consistent message, the name had to lose the ‘sales’ part, so they chose Repsly.

Aside from pivoting, Marko Linke will retell his experiences with A/B testing, the method that compares two different website or application versions, to make it possible to pick the better one. The use of this method allows for gathering of data on customer behaviour, and the decision which are made after that are based on data and ensure that each change brings positive results.

Do not miss this opportunity and find out everything you might want to know about A/B testing and pivoting. The entry to the lecture is free, however, due to limited number of seats, it is necessary to make a reservation through the Entrio system.