Startup Wednesday by Krešimir Radoš: Crypto mining as a source of earnings

In classic cash systems, governments can print new money if they need it, but in the world of crypt valued it works quite differently- new money is given to miners!

Computers around the globe maintain a crypto valued network, more precisely, crypt valued miners. The miners’ job is to confirm and record the transactions in the main book ledger, and as a reward, the miner receives a certain amount of the crypto currency. The mining of crypto currency makes their technological infrastructure decentralized, transparent and justified.

Lecturer of another Startup Wednesday organized by Croatian Network of Business Angels – CRANE will be Krešimir Rados, a crypto and blockchain enthusiast who has been working with mining professionally since 2016.

If you are interested in entering the world of the right and smart economy enabled by blockchain technology, come to the lecture of our Krešimir in which he is going to explain where to start and how to become a crypto miner!

The lecture will be held on April 4, at 6.30 pm at the Faculty of Economics, Zagreb (EFZG) at the Congress Hall, at Trg J. F. Kennedy Street 6.

The entrance is free, and the ticket has to be downloaded via the Entrio system to reserve your spot. startup-wednesday-by-kresimir -rados-mining-as-source -zarade-5049

The number of tickets is limited so hurry up!

See you! 🙂