Startup Wednesday by Vedran Kajić: Croatian ICO CryptoTask
- 1. ožujka 2018.
- Posted by: Zimo Digital
- Category: Nekategorizirano @en

The Croatian Business Angels Network (CRANE) organizes Startup Wednesday regarding the theme of Croatian ICO CryptoTask, which will be held on March 7 at 6 pm at the premises of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce in Draškovićeva 45 Street.
ICO (Initial Coin Offer) is a term that is defined as an investment in startups based on very similar technology like Bitcoin.
Vedran Kajić is the founder of one of the first ICOs in Croatia. Its platform CryptoTask combines freelancers with clients, but what is important to emphasize is that there is no intermediary. Since CryptoTask based on blockchain does not need to have mediators, the platform itself manages all possible situations. Even when there would be no company behind, if the company failed, went bankrupt or simply dropped from development, the platform would still exist and work. Also, prior to accepting the task, a deposit should be paid in the case of disagreement between the ordering party and the supplier, and as the court proceeds, Vedran will tell us personally.
We invite all freelancers and those interested in blockchain technology to come to a Startup on Wednesday and see how new freelancing platforms will work in the future/present.
The entrance is free of charge, and the ticket has to be downloaded via the Entrio system to reserve your spot.…/startup- Wednesday-by-vedran-kajic- cryptotask-
The number of tickets is limited so hurry up!
See you! 🙂