Third session of the Council for Economic Affairs held

On Wednesday, September 16 2015, third session of the President’s Council for Economic Affairs was held in the office of the President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović. The discussed topic was monetary and fiscal policy in Croatia, and the Council included in its work, as an outside member of the working group, a professor from the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb, Marijana Ivanov.

At the Council’s session, professor Ivanov opened the topic of monetary policy. After the discussion, “activities and goals were determined for the working group which will continue with its work already in the following weeks.” Due to the complexity and the extent of the topic, only a part of the monetary policy was covered, while the rest of the topic will be covered through meetings and activities of the working group.

The Council for Economic Affairs of the President of the Republic includes an expert team for discussions of certain questions from the area of economic policies with the goal of preparing the necessary groundwork and analyses, and providing strategic platforms for giving answers to vital questions of the country’s economic development.

Representing the Croatian Business Angels Network, the session was attended by Davorin Štetner, president of CRANE.